The Lonely God - a cycle of 42 poems within the cycle (TH & MS)
H The poet wonders to his doubtful lonely self if he can be God. S God is lonelier than any poet and even he doubts if he is God. H His writings ignored or misread by the masses like confusion at Babel. S God can’t remember if he gave poets free will in what they create. H Do we create God with our free will so there is something to obey? S surely all that kindness and consideration too... did God make us do these things? H Is the Muse fluid through the poet’s whole body or an outsider? S the Muse a concept for poets to blame if no one likes their work and a concept for poets to be falsely modest about if people love what they write H Kicked out of Scotland, the McCools saw Ireland before crossing the Atlantic. S Kicked out of everywhere Adam and Eve saw Ireland drowned by the Atlantic. H It is said that cats can sense when your death is near. That’s why I have two. One can say my days are few; the other yawns and g...